10 Best Comic Books Of 2020

7. The Question: The Many Deaths Of Vic Sage

Daredevil One More Day
DC Comics

2020 saw the deaths of many a beloved figure in the comics industry, among them the legendary Dennis O'Neil.

O'Neil revolutionised DC comics in the late sixties and early seventies as a creator who helped usher in the Bronze Age of Comics. Along with artist Neal Adams, he returned Batman to his darker roots, and in the process created what many would consider to be the definitive version of the Dark Knight. O'Neil and Adams would also collaborate on Green Lantern/Green Arrow, a series that redefined the two characters within the context of the 'long' 1960s.

Among O'Neil's greatest achievements was a run on former Charlton Comics character The Question, which he co-authored alongside Denys Cowan and Rick Magyar. Cowan returned to the character in 2019 alongside writer Jeff Lemire and artist Bill Sienkiewicz, with a Black Label series that explored the vigilante's literary history - from Steve Ditko's angry, ranting objectivist, to O'Neil's philosophical reimagining - through the lens of a psychedelic journey through time.

The Many Deaths of Vic Sage concluded in 2020, and did so with a bang. The series tackled many genres, but its fourth issue ends on a salient note, and one that more than lives up to the spirit of O'Neil's lauded run on the character.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.