10 Best Comic Books Of 2020

3. Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen

Daredevil One More Day
DC Comics

In a year as rotten as 2020, comics like Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen are so important.

Matt Fraction and Steve Lieber's hilarious deep dive into the Big Blue Boy Scout's old friend was WhatCulture Comics' number one series of 2019, and while the series suffered delays at the start of 2020 due to the ongoing pandemic, it was more than worth the wait.

Jimmy Olsen provides an angle of the DC Universe we don't see nearly enough of. Through Jimmy's eyes, Fraction and Lieber takes the reader on an amazing journey with a sinister conspiracy right at the centre. There's a wonderful detour to Gotham City, a fun exploration of the feud between the Olsen and Luthor families dating back to Metropolis' founding, and some great commentary on contemporary "content creation", YouTube, and the decline of old media in the age of clickbait and controversy.

Fraction is tremendous as ever, but Lieber must be singled out for particular praise. He captures DC's world in a way that's charming, warming and emotive, and that final panel - with Supes and his old pal sat atop the Daily Planet - might just be the best of all.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.