10 Best Comic Books That DON'T Have Superheroes

7. Fables

Fables Bigby Snow
Vertigo Comics

Those not familiar with Vertigo may recognise Fables from Tell Tale Games' The Wolf Among Us, a point-and-click adventure game situated with the world of Bill Willingham's comic. That game actually serves as a great entry point into the series, and it's no doubt where the comic's resurgent popularity stemmed from at the start of the decade.

Commencing in 2002 before concluding for good in 2015, Fables took all those familiar characters from myth, legend and the fairy-tales of yore and placed them all in one setting. It's a testament to the value of the public domain, as Willingham was able to spearhead a series replete with mystery, noir-ish undertones and mature themes whilst utilising characters who, today, are more synonymous with Disney than with the Brothers Grimm.

Taking place in Fabletown, a secretive New York borough populated by the fairytale diaspora, Fables reimagines dozens of classic literary figures and finds success with one character in particular in Bigby Wolf, the town's sheriff.

Bigby's a proper hardboiled archetype, but one with enough complexity to anchor the comic and keep things suitably ambiguous.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.