10 Best Comic Books That DON'T Have Superheroes

6. Seconds

Seconds Bryan Lee O'Malley
Ballantine Books

Bryan Lee O'Malley is most famous for writing and drawing the Scott Pilgrim books, which have since been colourised and adapted in Edgar Wright's cult classic film, Scott Pilgrim vs the World. Still, O'Malley is more than just Scott Pilgrim, and there are two other comics of his that tend to get overlooked - Lost at Sea, and Seconds.

Scott Pilgrim is a wonderful series replete with nerdstalgia and enough coming-of-age romance to cement as a brilliant series, but O'Malley's other work has the benefit of being self-contained. Both Lost at Sea and Seconds are one-and-done graphic novels that delve into some really powerful themes and topics, including depression, anxiety, and - at least in the latter's case - learning how to live with one's own mistakes.

Everyone wishes they had perfection, or at least the ability to change what they no longer can, but it isn't possible. Seconds' protagonist Katie learns this the hard way, as a magical chance to change her past quickly spirals into a never-ending search for perfection. And perfection, as most will know, is rarely ever attainable.

It's an incredible story, and while Scott Pilgrim obviously boasts a greater legacy, there's no underestimating just how good Seconds is.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.