10 Best Comic Books That DON'T Have Superheroes

5. Sin City

Sin City Hartigan
Dark Horse Comics

Frank Miller is one of the most important creators in the comics medium. He was a major influence in drastically changing the superhero genre in the eighties and nineties, first on Daredevil and then with Batman on books like The Dark Knight Returns and Year One. Throw in a beloved run on Wolverine alongside X-Men legend Chris Claremont, and you're left with one of the most impressive bibliographies to ever grace the industry... well, ever.

(On a related note, isn't it weird how Frank Miller stopped writing after 1998? Dead weird really. Oh well.)

After helming those aforementioned comics, as well as a return to Daredevil in 1991 with The Man Without Fear, Miller took on a different task. Film noir was a key influence on the writer and he decided to delve right into the genre with Sin City, a now famous series that combined the genre's best tropes under a unique setting.

Utilising a monochromatic pallet interspersed with brief, violent bursts of colour, Miller found a gripping aesthetic for Sin City, and one that proved popular enough to inspire a feature film in 2005. (Again, isn't it kind of weird they never did a sequel given there were so many other stories to adapt? You would've thought there would've definitely been another.)

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.