10 Best Comic First Issues This Week (Dec 19th, 2018)

8. Feast Or Famine #1

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Alterna Comics

In a dimension parallel to our own, world-renowned inventors Nicholas Teska and Dr. Albalien Stein have discovered a mysterious signal from deep within the cosmos. Believing it to be from an advanced alien race, the two embark on a journey that will change the very fabric of space and time!

With a premise like that, it could be easy to think of this as a simple B-movie style throwback but Dave Swartz takes the story seriously enough that it could be considered old-school akin to Challengers of the Unknown or other science-based cosmic titles. The names and history may be similar and familiar, but Teska and Stein are the best personalities to see the scope of this story unfold.

The art style mirrors that tone and feel, allowing for Dave Swartz' colors and Joseph Cooper's pencils to keep a keen detail that many indie comics don't reach for. The depth of the character models act in tandem with the art of the technology to be able to lay a foundation for the gravity of the writing.

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A.J. Carey is a child of pop culture, learning to read on comic books and raised like any true '90s child on films way above his age range and network television!