10 Best Comic First Issues This Week (Dec 26, 2018)

8. Superior Spider-Man #1

Superior Spider Man #1 2019
Marvel Comics

Superior Spider-Man was a divisive comic book when it came out, changing the main Spider-Man into Otto Octavius. The whole thing ended with Otto hopping into a new body, moving to San Francisco to become a professor by day and a vigilante by night.

Through a fight with Stilt-Man, who was apparently brought back in The Clone Conspiracy, a lecture of Otto's under his alias Elliot Tolliver, his exploits with the super-team Night Shift, and a verbal beatdown from his ex, Anna, all amounts to catching new readers up on his situation. The real hook comes at the very end where Terrax the Tamer lands on Earth and starts causing havoc.

This is a first issue for new readers, first and foremost. Most of the events are set up to allow for dialogue and inner monologues to be able to dump all of the exposition of the past up from. That doesn't inherently make it bad, as Christos Gage captures the condescending narcissism of Otto well enough to make him a jerk worth following.

Past readers will also enjoy this because we have the previous supporting character, Anna, really beating in the point about his past insanity and deranged nature makes it flow into being a solid sequel series.

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A.J. Carey is a child of pop culture, learning to read on comic books and raised like any true '90s child on films way above his age range and network television!