10 Best Comic Runs Of All Time

9. Preacher: Garth Ennis And Steve Dillon

Giant-size x-men Cover
DC Comics

Preacher is one of the most visceral comic books to ever be met with wide reaching critical and commercial success. The prominence of Preacher is only achieved through the meticulous and thought provoking work of the title's creators.

The uncompromising nature of both the dialogue and art makes Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon's series transcend the ostensible boundaries of the medium. Unlike some comics that may use sex, violence, or profanity for purely shock value, Preacher's story is enhanced by using these elements to help to create a world that feels lived in and believable.

Written by Ennis and drawn by Dillon, the comic follows a disillusioned Preacher after he learns about the existence of God, who has departed heaven. Never shying away from taboo topics, Preacher pushes the boundaries of what can be done narratively in a story about religion, but ultimately forces readers to evaluate their own faith and beliefs.

Despite being an ongoing story for many years, Preacher ultimately benefits from having a finite number of issues. The comic also had a consistent creative team throughout its full run, which helped establish a consistent level of quality not many other comics could achieve at the time.

With a satisfying beginning, middle and end, Preacher is a book that is hard not to binge, and no collector should be without it.


Comic book store owner, podcaster, and cheese enthusiast