10 Best DC Comics #1 Of The Modern Age
2. J.L.A #1

Back in the early to mid 1990's the Justice League was struggling, the whimsical and comedic days of Keith J. M. DeMatteis Justice League International where long gone. Now the team was a showcase for random nineties oddities like Bloodwynd and the various books that featured them where suffering from ever dwindling sales. Enter Grant Morrison with a simple idea; Reboot the league and have it feature DC's biggest characters. In hindsight the idea seemed obvious but the powers that be at DC where reluctant to put all their eggs in one basket.
Any doubts that DC's upper echelons may have had where gone by the end of the first issue. A comic that actually features very little of the fabled "Big Seven" featured on the cover. Instead, a new super team called the Hyper Clan are introduced who are far more proactive in saving the world, including turning the Sahara Desert into a farm and executing super-criminals. This new team's appearance coupled with an exciting send off to the old guard, asked the big question, does the world really need the Justice League?
The legendary run by Morrison and artist Howard Porter would prove that not only did the DC Universe need it but fans did as well.