10 Best DC Rebirth Comics (So Far)

7. Titans

DC Rebirth
DC Comics

During DC's run of the New 52, one of the key characters that was mysteriously kept absent was Wally West. While he had previously acted as The Flash for over 20 years, Wally was surprisingly removed from direct continuity, much to the annoyance of fans of the scarlet speedster.

Kicking off Rebirth itself, Wally has returned to the DC Universe and can be found in Dan Abnett and Brett Booth's Titans. The comic focuses on a group of 20-something versions of the former Teen Titans that have reunited. This comic has all of the interpersonal soap opera drama you'd expect from a team book like this and it's a lot of fun to read. Indeed, it benefits from having a lighter tone to the overall story and will likely be playing a large role in the upcoming Doomsday Clock.

Brett Booth delivers some of his best art to date, and can convey any given facial expression with remarkable accuracy. Given that Titans is a highly dramatic book, he adds a necessary element of emotion to the title, granting audiences one of the best looks into the Titans for years.


Comic book store owner, podcaster, and cheese enthusiast