10 Best First Comic Book Issues From This Week (Dec 5, 2018)
2. Hack/Slash Vs. Chaos! #1
Hack/Slash: Resurrection came out late last year and has been going strong but one thing had been missing to truly make it a classic: Tim Seeley. The guy who has been killing it over at DC Comics with Batman started the Hack/Slash franchise and while it's good, it was missing that spark. That's where Hack/Slash Vs. Chaos comes into play.
Tim Seeley returns to the character but this time, Cassie and Vlad are teaming up with Evil Ernie on a roadtrip through other Chaos! Comics characters to battle a new rise of Slashers. That basic premise epitomizes the roller coaster of over-the-top bombast that makes Hack/Slash a must-read no matter the series.
Rapha Lobosco's art is simple but energetic enough to match the pace set by Tim Seeley. One of the more difficult parts of Hack/Slash is the risque feel to the art, and when an artist can manage to pull that off as well as making you feel the badass nature of cracking a slasher across the skull with a barbed baseball bat, then it's going to be a winner. Even the colors by Dee Cunniffe add to the barrel of fun, with bold colors and vivid contrasts dominating every panel.