10 Best Inventions Tony Stark Ever Made
Turns out Iron Man could destroy the world.

Tony Stark; genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Oddly, however, most people are only aware of one invention that Iron Man has made within the comic universe, and that is his iconic suit of armour - as most of the inventions Tony is responsible for in the Marvel Cinematic Universe either don't exist or aren't his creations in the comic realm.
It's a real shame that Tony's other inventions aren't as well known, as one of the most fascinating things about the character is seeing all the weird and wonderful things he's made a comic reality. While the majority are various flavours of supersuit, there's also a surprising amount of inventions that are totally out there, as over the years Tony has tried to build creations dealing with everything from medicine to roller derbies.
Though they often threaten lives as often as they save them, Iron Man's continual conveyor belt of weird and wonderful creations is always a delight to see on any comic's pages - aside from that one that could theoretically destroy countless planets. That one's maybe a little less delightful, and a little more intimidating.
10. The Enervation Intensifier - Tales Of Suspense #74

Remember that time that Tony Stark made an invention that could totally have revolutionised the medical field and it was just never mentioned again?
In a move not unsurprising for the oft-surreal pages of the Tales of Suspense series, issue #74 saw the use of Stark's newest creation, the 'Enervation Intensifier', which is most simply explained as a machine that makes you stronger, both against injury and in general - as much as this somewhat confusing concept isn't totally explained.
The machine is used to save Happy Hogan's life, although it somehow also gives him insane levels of superstrength and manages to drive him crazy, for reasons that are also never quite delved into.
While it comes with some serious detriments, it's weird that Tony never even seems to consider trying to alter a machine that could have saved countless lives - especially since it's one of the most interesting and potential-filled creations he's ever really made.