10 Best Moments From Tom King's Batman

7. Gotham And Gotham Girl Intro

Batman Elmer Fludd
DC Comics

The first issue of this series was about as perfect an intro to how King would be handling things from here on out as it could possibly have been, with the introduction of the Clover twins, otherwise known as Gotham and Gotham Girl, being a clear and obvious highlight.

The entire issue has Batman trying to save a crashing plane filled with people, while also keeping it from hitting Gotham. It's too big for the centre of town, and it's going too fast for any kind of safe landing besides. So the only option Batman can think of is to land it in the water. Which, if he pulls it off, will save everyone, but the impact will kill him, seeing as how he's standing on top of the plane.

Batman braces for impact, knowing that he's done his mom and dad proud by doing this... and then doesn't die. The issue ends with the introduction of Gotham's two newest heroes, who easily lift up the plane for the few feet it needs to slow down to a reasonable speed to be stopped without killing Batman, leaving Bruce more than a little stunned.

And that was just issue #1.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?