10 Best New Comic Book Characters Of The Decade
We all love Miles and Kamala, but what other classic heroes debuted this decade?

This decade has been a weird one for comics, but then, aren't they all?
DC rebooted itself... twice; Marvel rebooted itself once; lots of heroes switched in and out; a lot of events no one cares about happened - and of course, a ton of new characters were brought in.
Sure a lot of them aren't around anymore, either because they weren't popular enough, they haven't gotten around to reviving them, or because they weren't exactly pivotal. But many new comic book characters have stood the test of the decade, and don't look to be going anywhere anytime soon.
What makes a character stick around, especially in comics, is often completely random. You could have the most surefire thing ever, but if the company doesn't support/advertise you properly, if you release it at the wrong time, or if the universe just doesn't feel like throwing you a bone, your brand-new character will be doomed to obscurity right out of the gate.
Fortunately, the following characters have all managed to buck that trend and become genuine, key players in their respective universes. Whether continuing an old hero's legacy or being a completely new creation, here are the best new characters that manage to change the status-quo...
10. Jinny Hex

Jonah Hex is easily one of the coolest characters DC has in their roster, but the main problem with him is that he's kinda stuck in the old west. And while we'll always have stories like All Star Western, having him interact with modern heroes has always been a bit difficult.
Unless you make a character like Jinny Hex, then it's the easiest thing in the world.
Everything you need to know about Jinny is conveyed in the first issue of Young Justice. She drives into Metropolis in a pickup, sees aliens invading the city, and IMMEDIATELY goes for her shotgun and opens fire, hooting and hollering the whole way.
Jinny isn't exactly revolutionary, but she is tons of fun, and as awesome as the Young Justice show is, Jinny as a character is a good reminder of where the franchise found its roots in simple pure fun. DC Rebirth is starting to fall back into DC's old habits, but the new Young Justice stays as much as it can in that sweet spot of where the latest reboot started off.