10 Best New Marvel Characters Of The 21st Century

6. X-23

Spider-Man Miles Morales
Marvel Comics

Although Dafne Keen’s younger version of the character was a fantastic use of her, the more established X-23 is an adult, one who’s been a brilliant addition to the overall Wolverine mythology.

X-Men are one of the most common routes for new characters, as the mutation backstory is easily the most malleable origin. Of all the mutants introduced this century though (and there’s a surprisingly large number), X-23 stands tall as one of the best.

One did nick in ahead of her, but it was a very close call.

Many of the newer mutants though tend to skirt around the big guns of the franchise. X-23 though is intrinsically linked to Wolverine, and more than handles herself in his company.

A visceral, often violent character, she’s been a fascinating addition. Where he’s relied on brute force through most of his existence, X-23 brings a bit more acrobatic grace. There’s no cost to the blood spilled from her change of styles though.

As Wolverine’s clone/adopted daughter/successor, her storyline has gotten a little messy, with her taking the title of Wolverine in 2015 before reverting to X-23 three years later. Still, these are minor bumps in what should be a long career.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)