10 Best Robin Comics Of All Time

3. Red Robin

Robin 90s Comic
DC Comics

Both Dick Grayson and Jason Todd had previously donned the mantle of Red Robin but we're referring to the 2009 Christopher Yost run with Tim Drake.

Following the supposed death of Batman, the Robin's were left to squabble over what happens next. As possibly the most level headed of the bunch, Tim sets out on his own, becoming the Red Robin.

Due to the incessant infighting, Tim is left mostly on his own to uncover the mysteries behind Bruce Wayne's supposed death.

The Red Robin comics highlight just how intellectual the former Robin was and that he was more than competent enough to make it on his own. His exciting journey across the world is full of intrigue, romance, and the occasional appearance of one Ra's Al Ghul.

This run of comics would eventually lead to Tim becoming the new leader of the Teen Titans.

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