10 Best Rogues Galleries In The DC Universe

5. Green Lantern

Legion of Doom
DC Entertainment

Regardless of who wears the Green Lantern ring, the enemies they take on are pretty big. Since Lanterns have their own sector to protect, they have their own sets of regulars. Yet, it always seems as though Earth’s Lanterns have gotten the worst end of the deal here, having to battle the likes of the Anti-Monitor and Monul alone.

Hal Jordan and John Stewart have taken on the Red Lanterns, with Atrocitus being the biggest among that particular corps. Carol Ferris was also a notable enemy and member of the Star Saphire Corps, although she’d later become a superhero too.

They have also battled others like Parallax, the Black Lanterns, Nekron, Black Hand, Dr. Polaris, Krona, Sonar, Scar, Nero, Hector Hammond, and the Yellow Lanterns. On top of this, they have battled the only Orange Lantern known, Larfleeze.

While a former Green & Yellow Lantern Corps member, Sinestro has been the most notable Green Lantern villain in history. He was actually Hal Jordan's mentor before he turned to villainy, with the two clashing heads most famously in Geoff Johns seminal Sinestro Corps War storyline from the late 2000s.


Joe Burgett hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.