10 Best Rogues Galleries In The DC Universe

2. The Flash

Legion of Doom
DC Entertainment

The Flash Rogues Gallery, whether under Barry Allen or Wally West, is extremely impressive. It’s a gallery that is considered stuff of legend by many.

The list starts with Eobard Thawne, known as Reverse Flash or Zoom depending on the comic you’re reading. He is truly the reason for The Flash being, well, the Flash. Barry and Eobard are forever linked, with one not being able to truly exist without the other.

Thawne is part of a major list that includes other villains like Captains Cold and Boomerang, Godspeed, Savitar, Gorilla Grodd, Black Flash, Pied Piper, Doctor Alchemy, Weather Wizard, Heatwave, The Thinker, and The Trickster.

While it is newer to The Flash’s comics, one of the best members of his Rogues Gallery is a man by the name of Cicada. He is a powerful meta-human who has the ability to de-power other meta-humans like him while they are in his vicinity.


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