10 Best Rogues Galleries In The Marvel Universe

8. Guardians Of The Galaxy

Marvel Villains Alex Ross
Marvel Comics

The Guardians of the Galaxy have fought several major cosmic threats over the years. This led them to battle with the likes of the Chitauri, Skrulls, and Kree multiple times. They have even faced off with major names from those armies like Super Skrull and Ronan the Accuser.

Nebula, the half-machine assassin and adopted daughter of Thanos, is another major villain for the crew. Her adopted sister Gamora is part of the team. One can say they didn't quite get along as kids.

The team has done battle with several other Gods or cosmic entities, like Thanos, The Collector, and Ego. However, the villain known as Korvac may very well be their greatest enemy to date. To see his power, you don’t need to go further than the story, What If The Avengers Had Become Pawns Of Korvac?

Here he kills all the Avengers, brings them back to life as his pawns, kills them again, then drains their life essence as well as those from everyone on Earth. Other universal forces come to stop him, but Korvac gets tired of it all.

He then fires a shot at what we call reality, ending all that is, was, or could be.


Joe Burgett hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.