10 Best Rogues Galleries In The Marvel Universe

5. The Avengers

Marvel Villains Alex Ross
Marvel Comics

The Avengers are known as Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, and they kinda have to be. They are often dealing with the worst of the worst when it comes to villains in the Marvel Universe.

A major key villain for them is Thanos. He happens to be the central villain in The Infinity Gauntlet storyline where he manages to wipe out half the universe.

The Avengers have tangled with others as well, like Ultron, Doctor Doom, Korvac, The Kree, The Skrulls, Kang the Conqueror, Baron Zemo, The Masters of Evil, Taskmaster, HYDRA, as well as Norman Osborn and his H.A.M.M.E.R. corporation that partners with A.I.M. among others.

However, the biggest villains may very well be their own. Take the Marvel Civil War for one, where they fought against each other. However, the biggest time this happened was when The Avengers took on The X-Men in the events of the House of M story-arc.


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