10 Best Rogues Galleries In The Marvel Universe

4. Daredevil

Marvel Villains Alex Ross
Marvel Comics

Daredevil is a beloved superhero these days, thanks in part to the now-cancelled Netflix TV show. Weirdly enough, however, people do not seem to talk about his Rogues Gallery enough, even though it’s actually spectacular.

One of his biggest is Kingpin, and while he’s often a Spider-Man villain too, it seems he and Daredevil have a far better connection. They have fought to bloody levels in the Born Again, Gang War, and Hardcore story-arcs just to name a few.

Daredevil’s other villains are quite illustrious, including the likes of Electro, the Punisher, Mr. Fear, Tombstone, The hand, Echo, Bullseye, Typhoid Mary, Mysterio, The Purple Man, The Owl, Ikari, and Mister Hyde.

His most prominent villain happens to also be one of his best friends and lovers, the assassin named Elektra. She is a ninja with a huge martial arts background like that of Daredevil. However, her association with The Hand put a demon inside of her that made her do horrible things, compelling her to kill innocents.

She has struggled to stay on the side of good, but Daredevil has always been there to bring her back from the dark.


Joe Burgett hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.