10 Best Spider-Man Romances

1. Gwen Stacy

Spider-Man Black Cat Wedding
Marvel Comics

The one and only true love of Spider-Man, Gwen has made her presence felt throughout every decision the wall crawler has had to make in his life, romantic or otherwise.

Meeting Peter in high school, the two had a rocky start with Peter having to look after his sickly aunt rather than spend time with his sweetheart. This led Gwen to date both Harry Osborn and Flash Thompson to get herself noticed. Even with her hatred of Spider-Man after the death of her father, it seemed nothing could stop them getting their eventual happy ending.

Falling for the intellectual qualities Peter possessed, the two eventually began a deep and intimate romance that would probably have never ended, if not for the intervention of one Norman Osborn.

In his Green Goblin persona and out to cause Peter the most hurt possible, Norman forced Gwen to take a swan dive off the George Washington Bridge. The sudden whiplash of being saved by webbing snapped the neck of Gwen and set in motion and even greater spiral of self-punishment for the web slinger.

Since her death, Peter has used the memory of his one true love to guide his moral decisions, turning a moment of incredible grief and the loss into his moral compass and a strong force for good.

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Spider-Man Characters
Marvel Comics

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