10 Best Spider-Man Romances

6. Debra Whitman

Spider-Man Black Cat Wedding
Marvel Comics

Escaping an abusive marriage and fleeing to New York, Peter and Debra first crossed paths in Amazing Spider-Man #196.

Peter and Debra began dating soon after but once again his obligations as a superhero caused a significant amount of strife. Disappearing from dates at a moment's notice, Debra quickly became tired of the interruptions and looked for love elsewhere. One redeeming point of their relationship however was that Peter at least tried to make time for her. Peter has always had trouble dating and by actually committing to them proved that time with Debra could have potentially led to a future.

After Debra revealed the reasons she ran away from her past, Pete decided to make the ultimate show of affection and reveal himself as Spider-Man, saving Debra from any more confusion.

So sure was Debra that she was secretly dating Spider-Man that she began down a road of worry and paranoia that Peter could be killed at any moment. When finally revealing himself however, one look at the scrawny Web-Slinger in full costume was enough to convince her how wrong she must of been, laughing off the thought of Peter being Spider-Man and souring the relationship entirely.


Stubborn Robin championer, obsessive Whovian and lover of any Fantasy that could be seen as Final at the time.