10 Best Spider-Man Romances

4. Betty Brant

Spider-Man Black Cat Wedding
Marvel Comics

Betty often took an interest in the mild-mannered photographer while working as the secretary to flat-top philanthropist J. Jonah Jameson. Betty went out of her way to help justify Peter's worth as a photographer and ensure Jonah paid top dollar for those pictures of Spider-Man.

Romance started simply enough with Betty looking for comfort after a particularly nasty encounter with the Vulture. With the foundations already set, their chemistry and ease with each other seemed destined to develop into something special.

With great power must also come lots of superhero antics however, and it wasn't before long Betty grew tired of Peter's tardiness.

Betty blamed Spider-Man for most of her misfortunes, beginning with the death of her brother at the tentacles of Doc-Ock. Add to this the death of her husband via Hobgoblin homicide, and it was clear that the life of a web-swinger was going to put the brakes on this relationship pretty quickly.


Stubborn Robin championer, obsessive Whovian and lover of any Fantasy that could be seen as Final at the time.