10 Best Superhero Friendships You Never Knew Existed

8. Batman And Plastic Man

Loki Spider-Man
DC Comics

Batman is just about the most serious crime fighter in existence, or even in fiction. Plastic Man, however, is just about the least serious hero still capable of stopping villains.

But the Dark Knight has always had a soft spot for those who turned their back on a life of crime, and while Plastic Man isn't up there with Catwoman on that list, his 180 to the world of heroism does appear to have endeared him to the Bat.

Well, that and the fact that good ol' Eel O'Brian is an underestimated powerhouse. Not only is he capable of pulling the wool over just about anyone's eyes, he's also capable of transforming into some legitimately terrifying things with his elastic powers - since this is a guy who's also turned into a dinosaur at least twice in history.

Although you never it'll be Plastic Man and Batman saving the day, it's also never quite surprising when the duo team up as expertly as only secret friends can in order to save the day. Or just to mock other superheroes - their friendship is flexible like that.

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