10 Best Superhero Successors

9. Kamala Khan - Ms. Marvel

Parker & Morales
Marvel Comics

After Carol Danvers moved on from the mantle of Ms. Marvel, the equally loveable Kamala Khan took up the title, providing a very fresh take on the role, and living up to her predecessor in every way possible.

Khan, much like Danvers, always tries to do what's right, no matter the cost, the most notable example of which probably being how she actually fought against the good Captain (Marvel) in the second superhero Civil War, after her fellow Champion, Miles Morales, is the subject of one of Ulysses' visions.

Also, as an Inhuman, Khan appeared in the conflict between the people of New Attilan and the X-Men, eventually deciding to join a team of both mutants and Inhumans in order to try and stop the fight, clearly showing how her selfless nature trumps any allegiance.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!