10 Best Superhero Successors

7. Jane Foster - Thor

Parker & Morales
Marvel Comics

When it was revealed that Jane Foster was going to replace Odinson as Thor, not everyone was exactly happy, with confusion surrounding the title of 'Thor' being a mantle, and not the Odinson's real name.

Though, over the course of the Mighty Thor books, Foster has certainly proven she is worthy, with the character fighting for all the peoples of the galaxy, even the Asgardians who branded her as a criminal charged with 'stealing' Mjolnir from her predecessor, the aforementioned Odinson.

As well as her battles in the traditional sense, Jane has also had to contend with her battle with cancer, something that, while the use of her famous hammer prolonged, made her an even bigger hero. The Avengers may always be the best of the best, but very few of them have had to manage having a superhero career while dealing with a tumour.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!