10 Best Supervillain Headquarters In Comics

Every great supervillain needs their own headquarters to make their next nefarious criminal plans.

Doctor Doom Latveria
Marvel Comics

They can take many shapes, from sewer tunnels, thick swamps, or abandoned warehouses, to lavish mansions with a full staff or an entire planet filled with willing minions. They may be called lairs, headquarters, hideouts, or even home. But, regardless of what they are called, the one common connection is that the supervillain's headquarters is a place where a rogue feels safe. There, they can relax, kick off their shoes, tend to the wounds from the latest trouncing by their respective hero, and make their next nefarious plan.

The reasons that a villain chooses a headquarters are as varied as the headquarters themselves. Some are by design - serving a specific purpose and chosen because they're best equipped or the best location - others are inherited or hereditary spaces, but most villain lairs are simply chosen by convenience. They were the best or only place that the bad guys could find to hide out and they were lucky to have it.

Just like a home, what a supervillain headquarters needs to be complete varies from villain to villain. Some need little more than a table to count their ill-gotten booty and a mattress to lay their head on at night. Others can’t operate without an army of disposable goons surrounding them and a lavish banquet for each meal. Regardless of the setting, they have one plan: success!

Sadly for these no-good sorts, that is rarely the outcome.

10. The Bar With No Name

Doctor Doom Latveria
Marvel Comics

The Bar With No Name is the name for a bar frequented by B-list and lower-level supervillains who need a place to relax, meet, and plan their next crime in relative safety.

Known as simply the Bar, this venue moves locations frequently to stay ahead of authorities, with the new one being passed on by word of mouth. It was first revealed in Captain America #318 and was created by Mark Gruenwald and Paul Neary.

The Bar location in Medina, Ohio became infamous when Firebrand called a meeting of 17 other villains together to decide what to do about the assassin, the Scourge of the Underworld. Scourge had been killing lower-level villains for weeks, and so the rogues community was scared.

Unfortunately for the bad guys and gals, Scourge was disguised as the bartender and killed 16 of the 18 villains. The Water Wizard was supposed to be there but was late due to a flat, and when he arrived and saw the carnage, he immediately called Captain America for help.

In Amazing Spider-Man #600, Daredevil and Spider-Man brought down the New York bar, and the bartender Deke was arrested for selling drinks without a liquor license. It set up later in Queen’s Night Market under a beer tent calling itself the Pop-Up With No Name. In King in Black #2, Mayor Wilson Fisk sent Iron Man to the Bar With No Name to recruit some villains to defend New York City against King Knull’s symbiote forces.


John Wilson has been a comic book and pop culture fan his entire life. He has written for a number of websites on the subject over the years and is especially pleased to be at WhatCulture. John has written two comic books for Last Ember Press Studio and has recently self-published a children's book called "Blue." When not spending far too much time on the internet, John spends time with his lovely wife, Kim, their goofy dog, Tesla, and two very spoiled cats.