10 Biggest DC Comics Controversies‏

4. Identity Crisis

identity crisis comic
DC Comics

Speaking of worse, remember Identity Crisis? No doubt you've probably tried to suppress the memories of the 2004 limited series, so sorry for bringing them back to light.

It's important that we remember comics' mistakes though, or else they're bound to repeat them. And we really don't need another series where every superhero in the DCU is a manipulative, back-stabbing jerk, a goofy Silver Age villain is turned into a rapist, and The Atom's estranged wife turns out to be an insane murderer. BIFF! POW! COMICS AREN'T JUST FOR KIDS!

Identity Crisis was controversial on so many levels. The use of rape of a plot device has, unfortunately, become even more prevalent after the series. As has retroactively inserting dark, "gritty" dramatic twists into comic books and assuming that makes them mature, even when they're handled in the most immature way. Fans hate Identity Crisis for the way it tainted pretty much every major player in the DC Universe...and it sold in its millions.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/