10 Biggest Things To Come Out Of Marvel Legacy #1

5. Mangog Is Coming For The Gods

Marvel Legacy

Mangog is coming to bring the pain to the gods of Asgard, and this can only mean one thing.

Mangog is a being that is the total of a billion beings once slaughtered by the then ruler of Asgard, Odin, and who has a raging vendetta against the Norse pantheon as a result.

A near indestructible being that feeds on the hatred and anger towards the gods themselves, Mangog is making a beeline for Asgard it would seem, and this could spell trouble for current Thor, Jane Foster.

Already embroiled in a war across all the Ten Realms of Marvel's World Tree, Thor, Odinson and the other gods may have their work cut out for them with danger coming on so many fronts. And with the upcoming Marvel Legacy plotline for The Mighty Thor being titled 'The Death of Jane Foster' starting in the issue's landmark 700th issue, things do not look good for the current Thor.

Undoubtedly, we will learn more of what to expect in the weeks to come in The Mighty Thor #700.


Joe is a comic book writer out of South Wales, writing LGBTQ+ superhero series The Pride and also co-writing Welsh horror comedy series, Stiffs. He's also a comics reporter and reviewer who works with Bleeding Cool and now WhatCulture too. So he makes comics and talks about comics, but there's more to him too. Somewhere.