10 Characters Who Broke Thor's Hammer
Who has managed to destroy Thor's mighty mallet, Mjolnir?

Since he arrived on Earth, Thor has earned a reputation as a founding Avenger and one of the world's strongest superheroes. But above all else, Thor is known as the God of Thunder. Although he has been endowed with vast strength and durability due to his Asgardian heritage, most of his power is derived from his enchanted hammer, Mjolnir.
Forged eons ago from a dying star, Mjolnir was designed to be the greatest weapon in Asgard. Since it was made from the superdense material, neutronium, Thor's hammer is staggeringly heavy, meaning that next-to-no one can lift it with strength alone.
Due to a magical spell placed on it by the All-father, Odin, only a person who is worthy of Mjolnir's power can wield it.
Because Thor's mallet can level a mountain or shatter an asteroid to atoms, it's easy to assume it is indestructible. But even the might of Mjolnir has its limits.
In some of Thor's most arduous battles, Mjolnir has been dented or cracked. And as hard as it is to believe, there have even been foes who managed to shatter the great Mjolnir to pieces.
10. The Destroyer - Journey Into Mystery #118 (1965)

When Odin the All-father discovered the Celestials intended to cut off Asgard's pathway to Earth, he realised he needed a champion that could stand against them. Since there was no one strong enough within the Asgardian pantheon, Odin created a mystical armour from the strongest material in existence and endowed it with as much godly energy that he could spare. This armour, known as The Destroyer, was stored in a vault, ready to be activated upon the Celestials' return.
But when Thor's wicked step-brother, Loki, discovered the vault, the God of Mischief awakened the Destroyer, believing it could defeat Thor.
The thunder god fought valiantly against his father's great weapon but even the god of thunder was no match against the awesome automaton. After the enchanted armour sliced Mjolnir in two, Thor acknowledged that he was not strong enough to best his opponent.
Luckily, Odin collapsed the vault that the Destroyer was stored in, burying the enchanted armour in rubble.