10 Characters Who Have Defeated Galactus

1. Squirrel Girl

Thanos Vs Galactus
Marvel Comics

Most heroes have to use brute force and the bulk of their powers to bring down the cosmic deity, but there was one game-changing individual that defeated the Devourer of Worlds with something nobody saw coming. Squirrel Girl took down the almighty Galactus using just her words.

During The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl event, Doreen Green was dealing with freshman orientation when the World Eater showed up looking super hungry. So she did what any honorable warrior hero would do in this situation - she had an army of squirrels steal an Iron Man suit so she could go to space and have a chat on the moon with the notorious planet killer.

The two start a dialogue and discuss his unhealthy need to consume worlds. Galactus begins to take a liking to Ms. Green when she informs him she has taken down Thanos. But beating up a Mad Titan isn't enough to convince him to eat elsewhere. She would have to sweeten the deal.

The adorable rodent-themed hero appropriately offers up a planet full of nuts and Galactus quickly changes his dinner plans. As a gesture of gratitude, he gives her his card if she ever wants to be his herald. Flawless Victory!

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D.J. Rivera is an award-winning writer, director, and producer with several of his titles available on Amazon Prime Video. When he’s not making movies, this go-getter lends his talents to several popular outlets writing about everything that matters in the entertainment industry and producing solid content for his distinguished client base.