10 Characters Who Have Defeated Thanos

5. Squirrel Girl

Thanos Deaths
Marvel Comics

It may seem like a strange concept that Squirrel Girl was able to defeat Thanos, but she's actually one of the most (if not the most) powerful characters in the entire Marvel universe.

She made her very first appearance saving the rest of the universe by taking down Doctor Doom single-handedly and has since earned a reputation for being unbeatable. She defeated MODOK, Terrax, and even convinced Galactus to not swallow the Earth.

So when she and Thanos went toe-to-toe in the 2005 GLX-Mas Special, things didn't go well for the big purple wonder. The battle is relayed to the reader through Uatu's (The Watcher) viewpoint, as he speaks of the battle he saw. Armed only with one squirrel, Uatu details how Squirrel Girl defeated a fully-powered, Death-blessed Thanos in a fight.

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A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.