10 Comic Book Catastrophes That Killed Millions

8. Norman Osborn Blows Up A Football Stadium - Siege

Siege Soldier Field
Marvel Comics

Death toll: Thousands

In comparison to many of the catastrophes that have rocked comic books over the years, the Civil War thing seems like a drop in the ocean. Especially when you consider that, just a couple of years later, an even bigger (and more tragic) disaster was orchestrated by Norman Osborn as the inciting incident that kicked off the 2010 crossover event Siege, which nobody really remembers because it was a bit rubbish.

That€™'s because Siege never had a clear, easily defined premise in the same was as, say, Civil War. It followed directly on from the Dark Reign storyline, which saw long-time Spider-Man villain Norman Osborn (better known as the original Green Goblin) seizing political power for himself, and the ramifications of that.

In Siege he used that power to launch an all-out assault on Asgard, which turned out to be because Loki was manipulating him. How did he get the US government on board with waging war on a mythical land that was then - for complicated, stupid reasons - moored within New York City? By getting his right-hand man The Hood and his U-Foe cronies to implicate Volstagg, an Asgardian, in the massacre of thousands of innocent spectators at a football match at Soldier Field Stadium in Chicago. Which Osborn was actually behind.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/