10 Comic Book Catastrophes That Killed Millions

7. The Blüdhaven Chemo Drop - Infinite Crisis

Infinite Crisis Bludhaven Chemo E1418942516912
DC Comics

Death toll: 100,068

Given the sense of scope and scale you can manage in comic books, where you essentially have an infinite budget (so long as the artist doesn€™'t get too tired of drawing), compared to films, the death tolls tend to be equally gargantuan. Such is the case with this list going onwards, as quickly things kick up a notch from city blocks and stadiums full of innocent people being offed to entire cities being wiped off the map, as was the unfortunate fate of Blüdhaven.

A city south of Gotham that was loosely modelled on New Jersey and which served as the stomping ground for former Robin Dick Grayson in his Nightwing guise, the whole thing was destroyed halfway through the Infinite Crisis, another of those universe-resetting DC crossover events that culminated in a Superboy from an alternate world punching reality so hard it shattered. Yep.

Blüdhaven€™'s fate was sealed long before any of that, however, with the Secret Society of Super Villains deciding to drop Chemo - a huge, semi-intelligent pile of chemicals - on the city, causing a devastating explosion and toxic chemical fallout. The city is destroyed. Nightwing, Batgirl and Robin survive, and Superman and the Teen Titans did their best to evacuate civilians, but official sources later reported the resulting death toll at 100,068.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/