Ah, Galactus. Devourer of Worlds. Cosmic, God-like entity. Wearer of a particularly moronic costume. Galactus is a great character, one of the best comic book villains of all time, in fact. He drains the life force and energy from living planets. He lives solely to eat worlds, for Pete's sake! He was created by the legendary duo of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. That's awesome! But that costume, which worked perfectly fine in the 1960's, just looks insane nowadays. It kind of serves to negate some of the awe-inspiring nature of the character, to be honest. Why would a demigod wear a blue and purple suit of armour with that...helmet...thing? Come to think of it, it's kind of difficult to image what a devourer of worlds actually would wear, if anything. Would he need clothes? Would he even be humanoid in appearance? Who knows. The concept seems to me to be so huge and awe-inspiring, it might be beyond the grasp of most comic book artists. So maybe we can forgive King Kirby this one. But hey, we're the sort that actually liked the idea of Galactus as a cosmic cloud, like in the Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer movie. Admitting that might be enough to get a guy punched at Comic-Con.