10 Comic Book Characters Who Look Like Morons

7. The Creeper

The Creeper was created for DC Comics in 1968 by Steve Ditko, the legendary artist/recluse who designed Spider-Man. Creeper's origins are a little bit on the confusing side, given that we've been given a couple of different versions over the years. His secret identity is Jack Ryder, a TV personality who ran afoul of some mobsters and ended up gaining superpowers of enhanced strength, agility and stamina. He also gained a healing factor from the serum developed by a Dr Yatz. He then goes ever so slightly loopy, which might explain the get-up. Now, Steve Ditko is a legend in the comic book industry, that can't be denied. Maybe he was just having an off-day whenever coming up with The Creeper's look though, because it's just bizarre. There's the Joker-esque green hair, yellow skin and weird red mane of hair that cascades ever so delightfully down his back. It's just a strange image for the eye to take in, and I guess that might have been intended, because The Creeper isn't your garden variety character. He's just not for us. On the plus side, The Creeper did appear in a very cool episode of Batman: The Animated Series, where his origin was tied in with The Joker. That was some great stuff.
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