10 Comic Book Characters We'd Storm Area 51 With

8. Batman

Area51 Logan

Time to level with the audience here, Batman is a cool addition to any team no matter what the group is setting off to do. The group could focus on destroying Care Bears in an alternate dimension made entirely out of gumdrops, and Batman would still be a great addition to the team. People are silly if they think Batman can’t help.

Try to imagine a scenario without Batman. Everyone runs up to the building with no plan and no vision. The agents pick them off one by one. The lack of leadership from an orphan who knows martial arts drives the group apart. Admit it. The entire execution centers on Batman’s involvement.

He’s the guy with the plan. The Dark Knight is the hero this meme needs, but not the one it deserves.


I'm a freelance journalist and documentary filmmaker based in Atlanta, Georgia. I write and film on a number of topics. Currently, you can find my work at Dissecting the Director YouTube page, The Binger YouTube page, and WhatCulture.com