10 Comic Book Characters Who Broke Batman

2. Heretic

Batman Insane
DC Comics

Despite the fact her father, Ra's Al Ghul, is an arch-enemy of Batman, Talia Al Ghul is in love with him and desperately desires to rule the world with Bruce Wayne by her side. When she had a child with Bruce called Damian, her dream seemed to becoming a reality.

This future was dashed when Batman told Talia he would never quit as Gotham's protector. Refusing to give up, Talia created a clone of Damian called Heretic and brainwashed him with her ideas of world domination.

However, Heretic cannot truly rule the world with Talia while his pretender, Damian, still breathes. Heretic tracked down Batman's son and plunged a sword into his heart, killing him.

It was heartbreaking when the Joker killed Jason Todd because he was like a son to Batman. But Damian is LITERALLY Batman's son. Not only that, Batman had to watch his child get killed by a twisted clone of him.

Batman was so traumatised, he refused to accept his son's death and went to another freaking planet to steal rejuvenation technology so he could resurrect his Damian, which he did in the New 52 Batman & Robin comic.


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