10 Comic Book Characters Who REPLACED Heroes (And Failed)

9. Captain America Replaced By John Walker

US Agent

When the Commission on Superhuman Activities tries to use Steve Rogers as a political tool he quits. He sees himself as representing America's people, not its politics. John Walker (AKA Super-Patriot) has an ongoing beef with Rogers, believing he's out of touch with modern America, and so he agrees to take over as Captain America.

The longer John wears the mantle, the more he feels the need to live up to the morals Steve tried to represent. He seems to be doing a pretty good job of it - until, after a particularly gruelling battle, he lets his anger get the better of him and beats a villain to death.

Ashamed of himself, the new Captain America tries to keep on the straight and narrow, only for Right-Winger and Left-Winger leak his identity. This leads to John's parents being murdered by the Watchdogs, and John going on a bloody rampage.

John misses his parents funeral so he can beat up more baddies. Then, he goes to the family homes of Right and Left-Winger and let their moms know he's going to murder their children.

After exploding his two loose-lipped ex-coworkers and leaving them for dead -John eventually has a failed fight with the old Captain himself. John Walker is asked to step down, and Steve Rogers returns to his rightful place.


West loves pop culture, movies, comics and TV-shows just as much as you do. Probably. Since you're reading this. Also, she has a cat. He's pretty awesome.