10 Comic Book Characters Whose Powers Are Actually Pretty Disgusting

10. Atrocitus & The Red Lanterns (DC)

The Red Lanterns, led by the brutal Ryutian villain (and sometimes anti-hero) Atrocitus, wear red-coloured power rings fuelled by the rage of their users and those around them (in the same way Green Lanterns wear rings powered by will). Like other power rings, the ring covers the user in a protective aura which shields them from harm and enables flight and can create powerful constructs made from hard light that they can use for a variety of purposes. The power rings can fire blasts of rage energy, but the disgusting part of the powerset is that the user's blood is replaced by a form of corrosive, rage-energised blood. The user can regurgitate this blood - in other words they can vomit it - as a weapon. The spewed blood can burn through the forcefields of other power corps wielders and generally burn anything it comes in to contact with.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.