10 Comic Book Cover Gimmicks That Cheapened Great Characters

8. "Cool" Poses

People just standing around normally is pretty boring, which is why most covers show characters fighting or threatening scenarios. But some artists skip the actual justification for a dynamic cover and go right for the "cool" points. With these, we get gems such as unnecessary flexing, overly sexual poses, and badass arm folding. These covers are the comic book equivalent of snapchats of 15 year old girls making duck-faces in the bathroom mirror. Example: Princess Leia This has got to be one of the most poorly conceived covers of all time. First off, this is Hoth, an ice planet, which is so cold that people get stuffed into animal carcasses just to stay alive. Yet, Leia has her hood wide open like she's enjoying a brisk spring breeze, not to mention the fact that she appears to be wearing a lycra onesie. Secondly, Yoda looks like he's in the midst of walking - i.e. not posing - judging by his cane and direct expression, which means Leia has inexplicably stopped on the middle of Hoth, an ice planet, to pose like a Playboy bunny while walking. And thirdly, the pose doesn't even make sense in context. Is she falling down? Why are her arms so far apart? Why does she have a gun out? Why is she looking at the reader?

I'm a nice dude, with some nice dreams See these ice cubes, see these Ice Creams? Go to http://blackcomicguy.wordpress.com/ to read some of my thoughts on comics, film and television.