10 Comic Book Inventions That Could Actually Change The World

7. Web Shooters

Having €˜Spider-Man€™ web shooters attached to both wrists would be an impossibly awesome day. Of course, with the reflexes and upper-body strength of the average comic book reader, we€™d all be dead by the early afternoon, but hey, what a morning! Peter Parker, chemistry genius that he is, created the special €˜web fluid€™ whilst he was still in High School and he has tinkered with the formula in various ways ever since. He keeps it in highly pressurized cartridges that are held in metal wrist holders and can be sprayed out via a quick double tap on the palm button. Once pressed, the device shoots out a line of the sticky fluid that will stick to whatever he aims it at. It is strong enough to carry a great deal of weight, which means that it can be shot from one building to another, as the user swings through the concrete jungle like some sort of urban Tarzan. Sounds like a great way to avoid traffic to me! The devices were designed by comics icon Steve Ditko for Spidey€™s first appearance in Amazing Fantasy 15 (1962) and have never gone away for long, one notable exception being the black costume - AKA Venom - which produced the webbing internally. See also: Ew.
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I am a professional author and lifelong comic books/pro wrestling fan. I also work as a journalist as well as writing comic books (I also draw), screenplays, stage plays, songs and prose fiction. I don't generally read or reply to comments here on What Culture (too many trolls!), but if you follow my Twitter (@heyquicksilver), I'll talk to you all day long! If you are interested in reading more of my stuff, you can find it on http://quicksilverstories.weebly.com/ (my personal site, which has other wrestling/comics/pop culture stuff on it). I also write for FLiCK http://www.flickonline.co.uk/flicktion, which is the best place to read my fiction work. Oh yeah - I'm about to become a Dad for the first time, so if my stuff seems more sentimental than usual - blame it on that! Finally, I sincerely appreciate every single read I get. So if you're reading this, thank you, you've made me feel like Shakespeare for a day! (see what I mean?) Latcho Drom, - CQ