10 Comic Book Supervillains Who Have Died The Most

1. Doomsday

Thanos Death
DC Entertainment

750,000 years ago, a scientist called Bertron desired to make the perfect lifeform and so, created Doomsday. When Doomsday was an infant, Bertron sent it into the most inhospitable planet possible, causing the child to die almost immediately. Bertron took a sample of the baby’s cells, cloned them, and redid the experiment countless times.

Every time Bertron performed the test, Doomsday lasted slightly longer; first he survived for three seconds, then five seconds, then twenty seconds, then a minute, then six minutes, etc.

After being killed thousands of times, Doomsday had evolved to be practically indestructible. He has no internal organs, and is composed of pure flesh. Because he doesn't have a brain or heart, he has no discernible weakness.

If Doomsday dies, he resurrects himself, and becomes immune to being killed that way again. He has been ripped in half, whittled down to his skeleton, and been beaten to death, and yet always returns to life.

Once, Superman time-travelled Doomsday into the future, to the point where the universe ended. The entropy of the deteriorating universe shredded Doomsday to nothingness... and he still came back to life! If the end of the universe cannot kill Doomsday, nothing will.

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How Well Do You REALLY Know The Joker?

Joker DC Comics
Warner Bros.

1. The Joker Is Referred To As The Clown _______ Of Crime.

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