10 Comic Book Tie-Ins That Made Great Movies Better

7. Jay & Silent Bob: Chasing Dogma

Die Hard Year One
Titan Books

Kevin Smith is the current paragon of indie directors. He has made several must-watch films, from his premier film, Clerks, all the way to his latest announced film, Moose Jaws (apparently it’s going to be Jaws but with a moose). He is also a distinguished comic nerd and writer, having a laundry list of acclaimed comics under his belt. It’s this love of comics that led to him adding comic book culture into his films, and peripherally with comics like Bluntman and Chronic.

To bridge his 1997 movie Chasing Amy and the then-upcoming film Dogma, he made the creatively titled Chasing Dogma! It is as bombastic as you would expect from Kevin Smith writing a road trip adventure for Jay and Silent Bob as they try to find the legendary Shermer, Illinois.

The humor is there in all its glory and it acts as a great filler story between the two drastically different films. The popularity of this also lead to Issue 3 being somewhat adapted into parts of the monkey subplot for Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.


A.J. Carey is a child of pop culture, learning to read on comic books and raised like any true '90s child on films way above his age range and network television!