10 Comic Book Villains Who Became Heroes

7. Ant-Man

Deadpool X-Force
Marvel Comics

Of the three men who have become Ant-Man, two of these did so after leading lifes of crime – which is kind of ironic, as both of them stole the Ant-Man suit in the first place.

Scott Lang is the most famous of these two, as the star of the Ant-Man film and the lion’s share of the Ant-Man comics – both of which emphasise the ex-thief’s past. That said, they do so to show how big a change he’s made in his life, as Lang changes from bumbling-criminal to occasionally-bumbling-superhero and a pretty good dad.

Ironically, in theory Eric O'Grady starts out as a ‘hero’ in name, as he is initially an agent for S.H.I.E.L.D – just a morally void agent. Although Grady does clearly want to change his ways, his entire comic revolves around him struggling with his urges to do awful things. Despite a fairly heinous list of misdeeds, O’Grady’s time as Ant-Man ends when he sacrifices himself to save a child’s life – so he succeeds there, if literally nowhere else.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.