10 Comic Book Weapons That Broke All The Rules

2. Arm-Fall-Off-Boy's Body - Legion Of Super-Heroes

Wonder Woman Dead Earth
DC Comics

Speaking of the Legion of Super-Heroes, it would be remiss to write a list on comic book weapons that broke all the rules and to not include Arm-Fall-Off-Boy, whose entire powers are literally just being able to detach his arms and wield them like a meat club at his enemies.

The character's first appearance came in 1989's Secret Origins #46, where he auditioned unsuccessfully to join the Legion as the group began to recruit their first ever team.

He enthusiastically demonstrates his powers but leaves the interview dejected, which somehow also didn't lead to a career as a supervillain.

Now tragically Arm-Fall-Off-Boy was wiped away from DC continuity with Zero Hour: Crisis in Time. His legacy is far stronger than any old retcon though, and the character has since been reimagined as Splitter, a figure who can not only detach their own arms, but their legs as well.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.