10 Comic Happy Endings That Were Secretly Terrible

8. Secret Empire

Hit-Girl Kick-Ass
Marvel Comics

After restoring Steve Rogers to all of his non-villainous glory, the end of Secret Empire is largely a happy one - or at least it seems that way, because all the heroes who had died tragically in the issues running up until it are now brought back, safe and sound.

While everyone should be grateful that the creepy Hydra version of Captain America was finally stopped, this isn't to suggest that this ending is as happy as it would initially appear.

It's seemingly waved over that, although the Cosmic Cube changed many things back to normal, it didn't change the desolation that had taken place over the course of the comic - meaning that while the heroes are fine, a good portion of civilisation is essentially in tatters.

The gravity of this is best seen in a panel on the second to last page of the comic, which shows that Las Vegas appears to have been destroyed - so even in a best-case scenario, the entire 600,000 odd people who lived and worked there have now had their entire lives ruined.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.