10 Comic Happy Endings That Were Secretly Terrible

7. The Boys

Hit-Girl Kick-Ass
Dynamite Entertainment

Reading through The Boys' ending and seeing Hughie get his well-deserved happy moment is equal parts delightful and tragic, as it's clear that - although the ending is happy for him - it's still taking place in what is set to be a jolly old dystopia.

Because, as the series rightly suggests, killing off the Seven and the various superhero groups around them isn't the same as fixing the entire broken system that created the Seven in the first place.

While we end on the note of Voight failing to create another successful superhero brand, this isn't to say that they never will, as it's quite clear that the company's intentions are to continually throw ideas at the wall until one of them sticks.

It's a huge relief that our protagonist gets a happy ending, but knowing that the problems that The Boys fought so hard to try and fix are going to come back exactly as strong - and without our team of vigilantes to stop them - is a sobering thought for an otherwise cheerful ending.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.