10 Comic Heroes You Weren't Supposed To Like

7. The Winter Soldier

Rorschach Watchmen
Marvel Comics

When James Buchanan Barnes was initially introduced to Marvel comics way back in 1941, there was nothing to not like about him. The fifteen year old orphan rose through the army ranks to become Captain America's partner, and even gave his life for the cause, supposedly dying at the hands of Baron Zemo in 1945.

Many, many years later, in 2005, Bucky made his shocking return to the pages of the comics, only this time as the Winter Soldier, a perfect assassin who had been killing people for the Russians over the last several decades.

The new nemesis of Captain America was portrayed as a murderous villain, free of all memories, thoughts, and feelings that made Bucky who he was. The Winter Soldier was no longer Steve Rogers' friend, but fans simply couldn't separate the two, and fell in love with the assassin.

The character became so popular that he even went on to take the Captain America mantle from Steve Rogers, proving that even murderous, brainwashed assassins can be loved in the world of comic books. Natasha Romanoff isn't the only former killer that can get a pass from Marvel fans.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.